Home 9 Quiz Questions 9 Easter Questions

Easter Trivia Quiz Questions (2024 update)

Below you’ll find a selection of quiz questions about Easter and Easter-related topics. Test your own knowledge, or use them for a fun Easter quiz you’re making. In fact, use them however you want :-).

This page was last updated on: January 10, 2024

Easter Questions

Click on the question to see the answer.

Question: What do Christians celebrate on Easter?

Answer: That Jesus rose from the dead

Question: In which Jewish feast does Easter have its origin?

Answer: Passover (Pesach)

Question: On which two weekdays is Easter always celebrated?

Answer: Sunday and Monday

Question: What is the last Sunday of Lent (the Sunday before Easter) also called?

Answer: Palm Sunday or also called Palm Passover

Question: What is the name of the musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber that is about the last week in the life of Jesus?

Answer: Jesus Christ Superstar

Question: What blessing does the pope pronounce from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on Easter?

Answer: Urbi et orbi

Question: What does the statement "Those are figs after Easter" mean?

Answer: That something is too late to make sense

Question: What is the Friday before Easter also called?

Answer: Good Friday

Question: With what kind of branches would a large crowd have welcomed Jesus as a king in Jerusalem?

Answer: Palm branches

Question: We know the Easter Bunny, but which animal is central to Australia during Easter?

Answer: The Bilby (Easter Bilby)

Question: On what day would Jesus have risen from the dead?

Answer: Easter Sunday

Question: What are the names of the most famous and precious Easter eggs commissioned by Russian tsars?

Answer: Fabergé eggs

Question: Which Mel Gibson film is about the last 12 hours of the life of Jesus Christ?

Answer: The Passion of the Christ

Question: How long is the period from Easter to Ascension Day?

Answer: 40 days

Question: What is the week before Easter also called?

Answer: Holy Week

Question: According to Christians, on what day is Jesus arrested after being betrayed by Judas with a kiss?

Answer: Maundy Thursday

Question: Which 2011 movie is about the rabbit E.B. who has to succeed his father as the Easter Bunny?

Answer: Hop

Question: In which North Brabant town will the Paaspop 2023 festival take place?

Answer: Schijndel

Question: In which Frisian city did The Passion 2023 take place?

Answer: Harlingen

Question: On what day do priests with ashes put a cross on the forehead of churchgoers?

Answer: Ash Wednesday

Question: In which Scandinavian country do they traditionally know an Easter witch?

Answer: Sweden

Question: To which South American country does Easter Island belong?

Answer: Chile

Question: According to the Christian faith, on what day is Jesus delivered to Prefect Pilate?

Answer: Good Friday

Question: In what country is the tradition that Easter eggs are red and symbolize the blood of Jesus?

Answer: Greece

Question: On what day would Jesus have entered the city of Jerusalem?

Answer: Palm Sunday or also called Palm Passover

Question: Which symbol for Easter was first mentioned around 1840 and originated in Germany?

Answer: The Easter Bunny

Question: What do you call the day on which the 40-day Lent begins, which runs through Silent Saturday?

Answer: Ash Wednesday

Question: In 2012, Espelo made a huge Easter fire and submitted this achievement as a record to the Guinness Book of Records. How high was the Easter fire? You may be 5 meters off

Answer: 45.98 meters height

Question: Who played Jesus in The Passion in 2023?

Answer: Sinan Eroglu

Question: What does 'Like finding an Easter egg' mean?

Answer: This phrase refers to discovering a hidden or unexpected surprise

Question: What sweet roll, usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, is traditionally eaten on Good Friday in the United Kingdom?

Answer: A Hot cross bun

Question: What is the Saturday that follows Good Friday and is the last day of Lent called?

Answer: Easter Saturday or Silent Saturday

Question: Which famous painter made the painting the Last Supper?

Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci

Question: In which country do they have the tradition Śmigus-Dyngus or Lany Poniedziałek (Wet Monday), where on Easter Monday people wet each other with water or perfume?

Answer: Poland

Question: In Spanish-speaking countries, what is Holy Week, the week before Easter, called?

Answer: Semana Santa

Bonus Easter quiz questions cool

Question: Which “Passion” by Bach is traditionally performed during Easter in The Netherlands?

Answer: The St. Matthew Passion

Question: According to the Bible, what did Jesus and his apostles eat at the Last Supper?

Answer: Bread and wine

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