Politics Trivia Quiz Questions (2024 update)
Below you’ll find a selection of Quiz questions about political topics. Use them to test your own knowledge. Or for that Quiz you’re making. In fact, use them however you want :-).
This page was last updated on: January 10, 2024
Questions about politics
How’s your political knowledge? Click on the question to see the answer.
Question: How many seats does the House of Representatives have in The Netherlands?
Answer: 150 seats
Question: What day does Budget Day (Prinsjesdag) fall on each year in The Netherlands?
Answer: The third Tuesday of September
Question: On which mode of transportation must you also wear a helmet since Jan. 1, 2023 in The Netherlands?
Answer: Moped
Question: What independent and impartial body handles complaints about almost all government agencies?
Answer: The National Ombudsman
Question: What do we call the First and Second Chambers together?
Answer: The States General of the Netherlands
Question: On Jan. 8, 2024, who left as outgoing finance minister and started as coordinator at the United Nations?
Answer: Sigrid Kaag
Question: Who led the VVD in the 2023 elections to the House of Representatives?
Answer: Dilan Yesilgöz
Question: In what year was apartheid formally abolished in South Africa?
Answer: 1994
Question: What important survey report came out in February 2023?
Answer: The report of the parliamentary committee of inquiry on gas extraction Groningen
Question: For how long is a mayor appointed in The Netherlands?
Answer: Six years
Question: Which center-right Dutch political party whose aim is to work for rural livability and the agricultural sector has as its acronym BBB?
Answer: BoerBurgerBeweging
Question: What increased by about 10 percent on Jan. 1, 2023, to 1934.40 euros gross per month?
Answer: The minimum wage
Question: How many member states did the European Union consist of in 2022?
Answer: 27 member states
Question: Which party became the largest party in 13 of the 21 water boards after the 2023 water board elections?
Answer: The BoerBurger Movement (BBB)
Question: With an English word, what is the first speech of a member of parliament in a plenary meeting called?
Answer: Maiden speech
Question: What is the name of the international protest movement targeting economic and social inequality that began in the United States in 2011?
Answer: The Occupy Movement
Question: How many cabinets did Jan Peter Balkenende lead in The Netherlands?
Answer: Four
Question: Which Member of the European Parliament became known as the "Brexit coordinator" during the negotiations for the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union?
Answer: Guy Verhofstadt
Question: Which Dutch faction was suspended in late 2023 for not reporting ancillary positions?
Answer: The FVD Parliamentary Group
Question: How many members does the United Nations Security Council have?
Answer: 15 members
Question: Who was the first female mayor of Amsterdam?
Answer: Femke Halsema
Question: Who has been State Secretary for Culture and Media in the Rutte IV cabinet since Jan. 10, 2022?
Answer: Gunay Uslu
Question: In what year did the storming of the U.S. Capitol take place?
Answer: 2021
Question: Angela Merkel was Germany's first female chancellor, true or false?
Answer: True
Question: Who was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives on April 7, 2021?
Answer: Vera Bergkamp
Question: How long is the term of a Member of the European Parliament?
Answer: 5 years
Question: Since what year has the Netherlands been a kingdom?
Answer: 1815
Question: Which president of the United States signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
Question: Who started as a mayor of Leeuwarden on Aug. 26, 2019?
Answer: Sybrand van Haersma Buma
Question: What is the full name of the political party VVD?
Answer: Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
Question: In what year did the consultative referendum on the Ukraine treaty take place?
Answer: 2016
Question: Who is officially the president of the Council of State in The Netherlands?
Answer: The King
Question: What does NSC stand for, Pieter Omtzigt's political party?
Answer: Nieuw Sociaal Contract (New Social Contract)
Question: What referendum took place in the United Kingdom on June 23, 2016?
Answer: The referendum on EU membership (Brexit referendum)
Question: In 2022, who was the longest-serving prime minister in Dutch history?
Answer: Mark Rutte
Question: Who was finance minister of Cabinet-Rutte III (2017-2022)?
Answer: W.B. (Wopke) Hoekstra
Question: How many seats did the PVV obtain for the House of Representatives in 2021?
Answer: 17 seats
Question: Who was the first party leader of the political party D66?
Answer: Hans van Mierlo
Question: Which outgoing minister apologized for a photo with a Taliban representative in November 2023?
Answer: Ernst Kuipers
Question: How many members does the Senate have in The Netherlands?
Answer: 75 members
Question: In a consultative referendum, the Dutch electorate voted for a European constitution in 2005, true or false?
Answer: Not true (there were more votes against)
Question: Who succeeded Wouter Bos as PVDA party leader in 2010?
Answer: Job Cohen
Question: Who was the second president of the United States?
Answer: John Adams
Question: Which former prime minister went down on a skateboard in 2006?
Answer: Jan Peter Balkenende
Question: Who was appointed Minister of Justice and Security on Jan. 10, 2022?
Answer: D. Yeşilgöz-Zegerius
Question: Who succeeded Jan Marijnissen as SP party chairman in 2008?
Answer: Agnes Kant
Question: Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa, true or false?
Answer: True
Question: Which European city is home to the European Central Bank?
Answer: Frankfurt am Main
Question: From Dec. 17, 2010 to Oct. 5, 2012, the GroenLinks (GreenLeft) parliamentary group chairman in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands?
Answer: Jolande Sap
Question: Who became mayor of Arnhem on Sept. 1, 2017?
Answer: Ahmed Marcouch
Question: Which former member of parliament and former senator on behalf of the PvdA, died in March 2023 at the age of 72?
Answer: Adri Duivesteijn
Question: In what year did Queen Beatrix, now Princess Beatrix, abdicate?
Answer: 2013
Question: In what month of the year is the U.S. president traditionally inaugurated?
Answer: January
Question: Does Lithuania have a king or president as its head of state?
Answer: President
Question: Japan has an emperor as head of state, true or false?
Answer: True
Question: What is the name of the highest court in the United States?
Answer: The Supreme Court
Question: Who works in 'Het Torentje' in The Hague?
Answer: The prime minister
Bonus political questions 
Question: What is the name of the official residence of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands?
Answer: The Catshuis
Question: Which former Dutch politician became a bus driver in the Haarlem region in 2017?
Answer: Fred Teeven